This is the March 2016 issue of Asian Military Review. This is not the latest issue.
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Table of Contents

  • Pulse: Thomas Withington’s regular column providing all of the latest news and analysis regarding events in the defence radio frequency domain.
  • Regional Militaries – The Tiger’s Talons Sharpen: Rahul Bedi takes the temperature of several leading Indian army and air force programmes, and details new procurement plans.
  • Land Warfare – Vision Thing!: Peter Donaldson casts his eyes over some of the latest technological enhancements to infantry night vision systems, and possible future developments.
  • Sea Power – The Silent Service: Renewed interest in submarines in the Asia-Pacific region is resulting in some major procurement initiatives and aspirations, Dr. Alix Valenti reports.
  • Sea Power – When Neptune Gets Angry: Asia-Pacific navies have an impressive range of anti-ship missiles and torpedoes with which to arm their aircraft, ships and submarines, Gerrard Cowan explains.
  • Air Power – RAP-pers Delight: Thomas Withington examines recent developments to enhance Integrated Air Defence Systems throughout the Asia-Pacific area.
  • Sea Power – Guarding the Dragon’s Den’s Moat: The international community’s definition of a coast guard’s duties and that of the People’s Republic of China differ significantly, Andrew Drwiega explains.
  • Air Power – Train As You Fight: Thomas Newdick profiles some of the light combat aircraft in service around the Asia-Pacific for training and light ground attack missions.
Issue of March 2016 (2553 downloads)
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