Blackbox Biometrics, Bren-Tronics, FN Herstal, GETAC, Harris and 5 more leading Military Organisations sponsor Future Soldier Technology 2019


A new brochure has been released for the Future Soldier Technology Conference and its Dismounted Soldier Situational Awareness Focus day, taking place in London, United Kingdom on the 11th, 12th and 13th March 2019.

Since the last design, event organisers SMi Group are delighted to announce a host of new speakers and sponsors have been added to the focused agenda:

  • 10 more sponsors have confirmed their participation at the event: Blackbox Biometrics, Bren-Tronics, FN Herstal, GETAC, Harris, Persistent Systems LLC, Rafael, Revision Military, Secubit Ltd, TT Electronics
  • Dr Elizabeth Mezzacappa, Human Research Lead, US Army RDECOM ARDEC will be presenting: Enhancing Soldier Lethality Through Innovative Virtual Reality Testing and Simulation.
  • Dr Nicholas Dugan, Chemist, U.S. Army NSRDEC, will be presenting: Delivering Future Ready CBRN Protection to The Dismounted Infantry Fighter.

The new brochure which includes information on the event’s speakers, programme and its sponsors is now available to download from the event website at:

Future Soldier Technology 2019 will bring together 30+ expert presenters and 150+ senior military, government and industry senior representatives to discuss the advancing technologies behind soldier modernisation and to hear key updates on national military capabilities from around the world.

Latest organisations to book include: Finnish Defence, DSTA – Singapore, Thales, Dstl – UK MoD and many more.

If you are interested in developing your business in this key market, don’t miss the opportunity to brand yourself in front of those who will be shaping the next generation of soldier equipment and technology.

For those looking to attend; register online by 31st January to save £100 at:   

Dismounted Soldier Situational Awareness Focus day
11 March 2019, London, UK

Future Soldier Technology Conference
12-13 March 2019, London, UK

Lead Sponsor:
Black Diamond Advanced Technology

Gold Sponsor:

3M™ Peltor™, Blackbox Biometrics, Bren-Tronics, Fischer Connectors, FN Herstal, GETAC, Harris, Omnetics Connector Corporation, Persistent Systems LLC, Rafael, Revision Military, Secubit Ltd, TT Electronics

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