Thailand’s Defence Technology Institute (DTI) has delivered in early Jul a DTI Black Widow Spider 8×8 (BWS 8×8) Wheeled Armoured Combat Vehicle to the Royal Thai Army for 1 year testing at Thanarach Camp, Infantry Centre. The vehicle is developed and designed by DTI.
Black Widow Spider 8×8
The vehicle uses a 8×8 chassis with the driver and powerpack a the front and the troops compartment at the rear. It can carry a total of 12 soldiers including commander, driver and gunner. The Black Widow Spider is fitted with a ADDER RWS turret by ST Engineering, Singapore. It has maximum speed of 100 km/h, range of 600 km and is fully amphibious propelled in the water by two propellers mounted at the rear at a speed of 8 km/h. The Black Widow Spider also offers protection up to Level 4 STANAG 4569.

The Defence Technology Institute (DTI) is a research and development agency operating as a public organization under the oversight of the Thai Ministry of Defence. The DTI was founded n the 1st of January 2009 as part of a programme to increase domestic arms manufacturing capabilities. The DTI produces the Black Widow Spider 8×8 armoured vehicle for the Thai army in collaboration with Ricardo. DTI and Ricardo had already completed the initial phase of technology development for the Black Widow Spider 8×8, and displayed the vehicle configuration at the Defence & Security exhibition hosted in Bangkok.