This is the April/May 2021 issue of Asian Military Review. This is not the latest issue.
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Editorial Topics:

  • Shipbuilding – A Numbers Game: Tim Fish reviews the growth of naval shipbuilding across the Indo-Pacific.
  • Space V Airborne ISR – or Mix and Match: Satellites now provide excellent ISR coverage for those who can afford them. Martin Streetly discusses the options for the have and have nots.
  • Higher Caliber: Stephen W. Miller takes a look at some of the successful small arms designs emerging from Asian weapons manufacturers.
  • All Seeing, All Knowing: Andrew White reports on the development work being done in the United States on Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2).
  • China’s Amphibious Assault Force: China’s naval shipbuilding programme has no rivals, as JR Ng reports.
  • Analysts Column: Armada’s new analyst Andy Wong discusses the implications of the rapid growth of the People’s Liberation Army Navy.

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Issue - April/May 2021 (2635 downloads)
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