F-15SG fighter

Survival Instinct

From her birth as an independent nation in 1965, Singapore has stressed a strong military as a key to national survival, prosperity and cohesion....

Cannon Fodder

Guns have been a key element of naval warfare for hundreds of years. This remains the case today, when a combination of cost factors...

SEA addresses communication needs for Australian Naval Programmes

Cohort company SEA is leveraging its pedigree in UK naval communications to address surface and sub-surface programmes in Australia. SEA is retrofitting its Flexible Integrated...

SEA secures latest Torpedo Launcher Systems contract for SE Asia

Cohort plc company SEA has built upon its growing pedigree for supplying Torpedo Launcher Systems (TLS) to navies in South East Asia with a...
‘Kamorta’ class corvette

Thousand Island Dressing

Traditional and non-traditional threats, as well as financial constraints, are pushing Asia Pacific navies to select increasingly modular designs for their corvettes. This is...

Synthetic Forms

As the world’s militaries begin the shift to fifth-generation fighters, the need for advanced training capabilities is growing. While live training continues to form...
Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle

Rumble Down Under

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is one of the most well-trained and equipped militaries in the Indo-Pacific region. A steadfast ally of the United...
ship bridge simulation systems

Virtual Action Stations

Navies are increasingly turning to synthetic training technologies to prepare their personnel for the realities of combat. In addition to offering a less expensive...

Big In Japan

Raising concerns over the strategic assertiveness of the People’s Republic of China in the East and South China Seas, as well as on the...

Big Surveillance for Small Platforms

The high performance found in naval surveillance radars equipping large surface combatant is migrating to smaller surface vessels of corvette and Offshore Patrol Vessel...

Highlight of the Month

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