Typhoons for RED FLAG
The Royal Air Force’s (RAF) Eurofighter Typhoon-FGR4 fighter force’s regular winter excursion to the United States Air Force’s (USAF) RED FLAG exercise held at...
Korea’s GI Warriors
What started as an expedient to address US troop shortages during the Korean War (1950 to 1953), the bilateral KATUSA (Korean Augmentation To the...
Lightning In The Rising Sun
The newest US Marine Corps’ (USMC) fighter, the Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning-II, is deploying to Japan, and is currently en route to the country.
US Heavy Armour Reinforces Korea
The US Army’s 1st Armoured Brigade Combat Team (ABCT), itself part of the 1st Infantry Division based at Fort Riley, Kansas has taken up...
Big in Japan
The Mitsubishi Advanced Technology Demonstrator-X (ATD-X) Shinshin is a testbed aircraft being developed by the Japanese Ministry of Defence Technical Research and Development Institute (TRDI)....
HMAS Brisbane Takes to the Water
The Royal Australian Navy marked a major milestone on 15 December 2016 with the launch of HMAS Brisbane. This ship is the second of...
PNGDF Plans Expansion
Brigadier General Gilbert Toropo, commander of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF), talk to asianmilitaryreview.com about the state of PNGDF capabilities in the...
Gripen Heads East
Saab has told asianmilitaryreview.com that it is proposing to transfer manufacturing and assembly capabilities for the company’s JAS-39E/F Gripen fighter to India.
According to...
More Be-200s For Russia
For the first time since its maiden flight in 1998, Beriev is on the cusp of gaining the first export sales for its Be-200...
SeaSpider Crawls Out
Sources have confirmed to asianmilitaryreview.com that test-firings of Atlas Elektronik’s SeaSpider Anti-Torpedo Torpedo (ATT) are expected to occur by the end of the decade....