Avoiding the Rocks and Hard Places
Like most military capabilities, Satellite Communications (SATCOM) can be expensive to develop, procure and operate. Fortunately, help is at hand from third-party commercial SATCOM...
Synthetic Forms
As the world’s militaries begin the shift to fifth-generation fighters, the need for advanced training capabilities is growing. While live training continues to form...
The Connection Is Made
The proliferation of reconnaissance technology across the Asia-Pacific continues to advance at pace as armed forces operating on land, in the air and at...
Rumble Down Under
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is one of the most well-trained and equipped militaries in the Indo-Pacific region. A steadfast ally of the United...
Web of Intrigue
With perhaps the exception of infectious disease, no other security challenge is perhaps as pervasive and universal as those proliferating from cyberspace. Every nation...