Battlefield Taxis with Attitude
Light transport is utilised by friend and foe alike. Agility and utility combine, from transformed commercial vehicles to those designed for the military.
The military...
Tanked Up
It is an often repeated adage that Main Battle Tanks (MBT) are unsuitable for operation in the jungles, mountains and paddies common in Asian-Pacific...
Anti-Drone Ammo
Coalition forces and aid groups in Iraq have been harassed by commercial drones used by ISIS (Islamic State) to spread fear. Lacking effective countermeasures...
Protection Racket
Fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft face a plethora of Surface-to-Air and Air-to-Air Missile (SAM/AAM) threats employing radar, infrared and laser guidance. Integrated Self-Protection Systems (ISPS)...
“Engineers Up!”
For all the might of main battle tanks and other fighting vehicles, their progress can be stopped or slowed without the skills and specialist vehicles...
Watching The Noisy Neighbours
It is always handy to know what your neighbour is up to, particularly if they are not friendly. So it is no surprise that...
China allegedly snags first international customer for CH-5 UAV
China appears to have secured its first international customer for its domestically developed Cai Hong 5 (CH-5, or Rainbow 5) medium-altitude long endurance unmanned...
Rumble Down Under
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is one of the most well-trained and equipped militaries in the Indo-Pacific region. A steadfast ally of the United...
Defeating the IED
Defeating Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) with active countermeasures involves two distinct approaches: attacking the Radio Frequency (RF) detonation signals and mitigating the explosion with...
Alternative Options
Whatever the political stance taken on the conduct of air strikes in Iraq and Syria, if they are going to be carried out in...