Tanked Up
It is an often repeated adage that Main Battle Tanks (MBT) are unsuitable for operation in the jungles, mountains and paddies common in Asian-Pacific...
Frigate or Destroyer?
Budgetary and strategic factors are slowly dividing the Asia-Pacific region into navies that can afford destroyers, and those that cannot. This, in turn, is...
Two New FA-50Hs Arrive in the Philippines
The Philippines Air Force (PAF) received an additional two Korea Aerospace Industries’ (KAI) FA-50PH fighters on 22nd February.
These two aircraft are part of...
Big in Japan
The Mitsubishi Advanced Technology Demonstrator-X (ATD-X) Shinshin is a testbed aircraft being developed by the Japanese Ministry of Defence Technical Research and Development Institute (TRDI)....
Italian Flare in the Asia-Pacific
During the Euronaval exhibition held in Paris this October, asianmilitaryreview.com sat down with Leonardo’s head of defence systems to discuss their latest projects in...