Indo Pacific UAV Directory 2021

The development of unmanned aerial vehicles is growing apace, especially in China. New longer range ISR platforms are also on the procurement list of...
A close-up of a full scale model of the Teng Yun UAV being developed by the Aeronautical Systems Research Division (ASRD) of Taiwan’s National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST). (Andrew Drwiega)

Asia Pacific UAV Compendium 2022

The value of unmanned aerial vehicles continues to grow in importance, with indigenous development increasing in all categories. Regional military forces are accelerating their acquisition...
RAT-31 air surveillance radar

RAP-pers Delight

Developing and operating an Integration Air Defence System (IADS) system is a fiendishly complex exercise. Such systems have two key functions; to help safeguard...

Frigates fill the Maritime Gap

While the budget for large capital ships is hard to find in the Asia Pacific region, the market for cheaper ‘workhorse’ frigates and corvettes...

A Matter of Status

Published in the July/August 2020 Issue - SE Asian shipyards, traditionally smaller, look to build affordable vessels but may face economic peril in the...
KRI Nagapasa (403), the first of three new Nagapasa-class submarines of the Indonesian Navy that was commissioned in August 2017. The second Ardadedali was commissioned in April 2018 and the third Alugoro entered service in April 2021. (TNI-AL)

Submarine Status

Operating submarines can enhance the reputation of the naval force employing them, but they should be properly funded and not just for show. Conventional submarines...

Underwater Arms Race

The number of navies that can now invest in submarine technology is increasing, although operational capability will still vary widely. The submarine arms race in...

Big Surveillance for Small Platforms

The high performance found in naval surveillance radars equipping large surface combatant is migrating to smaller surface vessels of corvette and Offshore Patrol Vessel...

The Naval Workhorse – The Rise of OPVs

Offshore Patrol Vessels are gaining popularity as a cheaper but increasingly more capable option to more sizeable and expensive ‘grey navy’ options. The Asia-Pacific region...
traffic control radar harris

Picture This

Integrated Air Defence Systems (IADS) are at the cornerstone of protecting a nation’s air space. The need to know what is going on in...

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