Royal Canadian Air Force speaking at 12th Annual Air Mission Planning and Support Conference


SMi Group Reports: Colonel Chris McKenna, Royal Canadian Air Force speaker at SMi’s 12th Annual Air Mission Planning & Support Conference, exclusive interview ahead of the virtual conference.

Taking place in just six weeks, SMi Group are proud to announce that Colonel Chris McKenna, Commander, 1 Wing, Royal Canadian Air Force will be presenting a key briefing at the 12th Annual Air Mission Planning and Support Conference, convening virtually on the 20th and 21st April 2021. Colonel Chris Mckenna joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1994 as an infantry reservist and has since worked in several staff positions in the Royal Canadian Air Force.

Updated brochure with full speaker line-up and presentations can be viewed at

Giving valuable insight into his work, SMi Group were delighted to host Colonel Chris McKenna for a pre-conference interview. Some interview highlights include:

What are the primary obstacles for the RCAF in conducting effective mission planning, and how are you looking to overcome these?

‘Key challenges for us remain the rapidly changing operational environment and procurement processes that are not always aligned or responsive to the rapid pace of technological advancement in the realm of military mission planning or support systems. Key challenge remains the lack of mature digital “connective tissue or backbone” across domains and capabilities within Canada and amongst our partners.’

How much do you think can be gained from cooperation with allied partners and organisations in covering information gaps and shortening the planning cycle, and how important is this for the future?

‘Quite simply this is vital, especially within the NATO context. There are more agile partners than us who are able to procure and learn faster. In my view we stand to gain the most from cooperation with our allies as they rapidly on-board and learn from new technologies.’

The full speaker interview is available in the ‘download centre’ at

Colonel Chris McKenna, Commander, 1 Wing, Royal Canadian Air Force much anticipated presentation is on ‘Streamlining Combat and Logistics Support Operations for Expeditionary Forces – A Case Study of Op Presence’ covering:

  • Modernising rotary-wing assets and support mechanisms to improve overall readiness and provide C2/operations personnel with a more diverse set of options for future airborne operations in challenging environments.
  • Optimising the efficiency of 1 Wing operators through increased development and integration of up-to-date training procedures and technologies.
  • Data management – Reviewing 1 Wing’s capabilities with regards to EW/Cyber operations and promoting a strategic shift in acquisitions or modernisation initiatives to safeguard against emerging threats from EMS contested environment.

Interested parties can register at

Limited time discounted price for military and government personnel is £299 and £999 for commercial organisations.

Proudly sponsored by Airbus & Thinklogical

For sponsorship and exhibition queries please contact Sadia Malick, Director at [email protected] or call +44 (0) 20 7827 6748.

For media queries please contact Simi Sapal, Marketing Manager at [email protected].

SMi’s 12th Annual Air Mission Planning and Support Conference
20–21 April 2021
Virtual Conference: Online Access Only

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