Japan transfers first long-range radar to the Philippines

Japan has transferred the first air surveillance radar on order by the Philippines, the Acquisition Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA) announced on its social media account on 2 November.

“As the very first transfer case of finished equipment, the first air surveillance radar system manufactured by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (MELCO) has been delivered to the Philippines,” the agency stated.

The contract for three fixed long range and one mobile radar systems being produced was approved by then-Philippine Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana on 28 August 2022. The radars are being supplied under a government-to-government transaction worth approximately US$103.5 million and provisioned for under the Philippine armed forces’ Horizon 2 Air Surveillance Radar System acquisition project.

MELCO separately noted that the first system was delivered to the Philippine Air Force (PAF) in October, and is presently manufacturing the three remaining systems for delivery at an undisclosed period.

The air defence radar contract is a significant achievement for Japan, representing the country’s first major defence export success since it relaxed its strict postwar policies on arms transfers.

Although the radar type was not indicated in the announcement it had been previously reported that the fixed sites might receive the improved version of MELCO’s J/FPS-3 active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar and the mobile J/TPS-P14 radar.

The first radar system was earlier inspected by PAF officials at MELCO’s production facility in October 2022 ahead of the equipment handover.

“These initiatives of the Japanese government in further strengthening the defense cooperation between the two allied countries,” said Philippine Department of National Defense (DND) Arsenio Andolong in a statement at that time.

“The air surveillance radar systems are part of the Philippine government’s efforts to further “develop, enhance and sustain our air and maritime domain awareness,” added Andolong. “They will play a critical role in monitoring our territory and airspace.”

by Jr Ng

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