This is the March 2018 issue of Asian Military Review. This is not the latest issue.
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March 2018 Issue includes:

  • Sea Power: Beyond Kinetic Protection:  Dr. Joetey Attariwala examines the methods of electronic warfare that can be employed to protect naval surface vessels.
  • Air Power: Maritime Rotorcraft Growth Predicted: Buying new, opting for less expensive upgrades or considering an alternative. Andrew Drwiega examines a few options as the military helicopter market continues to grow.
  • Regional: CAE Brunei Story: Editor Andrew Drwiega visits Brunei to see how the CAE S-70i simulator has made a difference to the Brunei Air Force.
  • Land Warfare: More Than Body Armour: Body armour is now a soldier system, supporting situational awareness. Andrew White explains.
  • Regional: India’s Armed Forces: India has large and professional armed forces, although modernisation is often slowed by tradition and political process. Brian Cloughly explains.
  • Air Power: Air Refuelling Proliferates: The increasing number of fighter aircraft in Asia-Pacific has resulted in a larger requirement for AAR. Alan Warnes reports.
  • Land Warfare: Preparing For The Worst:  David Oliver takes a look at how the Australian Defence Force is modernising its capacity to react to CBRNE challenges.
  • Land Warfare: Receiving You Loud And Clear: Situational awareness for the warfighter is now founded in space-based communications and surveillance systems. JR Ng reports.
  • Singapore Airshow Review:  Andrew Drwiega reviews a selection of opinions and products uncovered at this year’s Singapore Airshow.
Issue of March 2018 (2725 downloads)
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