Russian Helicopters to Take Part in KADEX-2018


Russian Helicopters (part of Rostec State Corporation) will present the newest military helicopters as part of the International Exhibition of Weapons Systems and Military Equipment KADEX-2018 which will be held from May 23 to 26, 2018 in Astana.

The holding’s exposition will include Mi-28NE, Mi-35M attack helicopters and a Mi-38T troop transport helicopter. Moreover, holding’s executives will negotiate with traditional and potential operators of Russian helicopters. After-sales service of delivered Russian helicopters will be discussed as well.

“The CIS market is one of the most promising for us. Knowing about high demand for Russian helicopters in this region, we plan to develop relations both in the military segment based on the Collective Security Treaty Organization and in the civil sector,” said Vladislav Savelyev, Deputy CEO for Sales of Military Helicopters, Russian Helicopters.

The Mi-28N “Night Hunter” is a modern attack helicopter designed for searching and destruction of tanks, armored and non-armored vehicles, as well as enemy infantry on the battlefield and low-speed air targets. The helicopter can be operated in normal and difficult day-night weather conditions.

The Mi-35M is a multirole high performance attack helicopter, namely, it can be used efficiently in high temperature and altitude. The Mi-35M design provides the helicopter with low acoustic signature, improved combat survivability and reduces maintenance burden.

The Mi-35T is a troop transport version of the Mi-38 designed by Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant. All Mi-38T accessories and components are produced in Russia. Communication tools for military needs and additional fuel tanks can also be installed to increase flying range. The Mi-38T allows expanding functionality and extending the scope of machines by creating specialized versions, including the “Arctic” version of the helicopter.

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