SEA unveils Trainable Decoy Launcher


A Trainable Decoy Launcher system designed to protect surface platforms from missile and torpedo threats has been revealed by SEA in partnership with Chess Dynamics and MASS, its fellow Cohort subsidiaries. It will be available in 2020.

The system is capable of a wide range of movement, rapidly delivering complex patterns of mixed decoys around platforms. It offers a sophisticated threat processing engine, which can recommend and enact responses to a wide range of threats much more quickly than traditional systems, minimising the need to manoeuvre the ship, improving its effectiveness. The gyro stabilised launcher has a wide range of movement, so that the system can offer countermeasure coverage to both sea skimming and ballistic trajectory threats.

With the speed of missiles increasing and the window in which the surface platform can respond becoming very small, surface platforms require the ability to rapidly and accurately place decoy payloads to maximise their effectiveness.

Steve Hill, managing director of SEA, said: “The system offers a highly flexible, reliable and low through-life cost solution with tiered integration options. We look forward to bringing the technology to the industry in Thailand and the South East Asia region.”

Through Chess Dynamics, SEA has incorporated in-service technology, proven through over 15 years of operational service in harsh naval environments where high reliability and low maintenance requirements are key.

MASS provides the ability to store and manage electronic warfare (EW) and intelligence data from all sources in a single data management capability. This data can then be used, along with MASS’ modelling and simulation capabilities, to create countermeasures for known threats. New data can also be readily ingested into the data management capability.

The system is available in a range of flexible configurations, it has support for 130mm and other decoy types, including: chaff, flares, active rounds, expendable torpedo countermeasures, rocket/mortar, and mortar launched sub munitions, programmable rounds.

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