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Military Police participate in a Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems class

Ukraine War Shows the Need for Counter-UAS Systems Such as Flex...

Andrew Drwiega interviews Clay Wild, vice president, International Business Development at Flex Force. “In terms of the war in Ukraine, I don’t think that anyone...
EDGE group at UMEX 2022

Loitering munitions become smart, reusable aerial strike platforms

Loitering munitions, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV or drones), are an important and growing asset in the arsenal of modern armed forces,...
UMEX 2022

EDGE Group to Unveil Latest UAE-Made Unmanned Systems at UMEX 2022

Group to have major presence as event’s official Strategic Partner. Over 20 cutting-edge disruptive solutions and products to be showcased. EDGE is marking its...

SpearUAV unveils Ninox – a Unique Encapsulated Drone System for Instant...

SpearUAV - an innovative company that develops and supplies unique UAS solutions for defense and HLS applications - has unveiled its Ninox family of...

Indra strengthens its Arms System to counter the Next Generation of...

Indra has revealed the strategy that will protect critical infrastructures, airports, official buildings and public events from the ever-increasing threat that the next generation...

RF Techniques for Detection, Classification and Location of Commercial Drone Controllers

Raymond Shen, PhD Solutions Manager, Keysight Technologies Drones in the RF spectrum Drone remote controllers can operate in one of three frequency ranges reserved for remote control...

Thales and Telstra join forces to unlock the potential of low-altitude...

The massive increase in commercial UAVs, commonly known as drones, will require a totally new way to manage airspace. Digital technology brings opportunities to...

ELT’s Guide to Detecting and Neutralising Mini Drones

Daniela Pistoia, corporate chief scientist, ELT Group, discusses sensors and effectors. Small (15-150kg), mini (<15kg), micro (<66J energy state) Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)¹ will drastically...

Avnon Group held a demo of their advanced anti-UAV system

Three years ago government officials had not recognized the threats that commercial drones could pose. Drones can easily be purchased on the high street or...

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